Pelajaran Hidup Dari Poker


Karena saya menerima umpan balik positif tentang Pelajaran Hidup Dari Blackjack minggu lalu, saya pikir saya akan membagikan beberapa pelajaran yang saya pelajari dari poker juga.

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Sekali lagi di, , jangan ragu untuk melewatkan cerita latar belakang jika Anda hanya ingin membaca bagian pelajaran. Saya hanya menyertakan ini untuk yang penasaran.

Saya pertama kali belajar bermain poker ketika saya berusia 18 tahun, hanya bermain game nikel-seperempat dengan teman-teman sekolah. Saya adalah pemain yang cukup lemah saat itu, kebanyakan menggunakan gaya longgar-agresif dan terlalu banyak menggertak. Tapi saya menikmati permainan dan biasanya akan bermain setidaknya sekali seminggu. Tentu saja, ini hanya di pertandingan kandang di mana saya kebanyakan memainkan bentuk-bentuk poker yang menyimpang yang tidak ditemukan di kasino. Permainan favorit saya disebut 3-5-7. Saya hanya bermain untuk bersenang-senang saat ini dan selama bertahun-tahun setelahnya, saya tidak pernah menganggap serius permainan itu.

Ketika saya berusia 21 tahun dan tinggal di LA, beberapa teman dan saya melakukan beberapa perjalanan ke Commerce Casino. Saya memainkan sebagian besar 7-stud pada saat itu dan sedikit hold’em. Saya tidak menyimpan catatan saat itu, tetapi secara keseluruhan saya mungkin mencapai titik impas. Saya bermain di Commerce mungkin 5 kali total. Itu satu jam perjalanan dari rumah saya, jadi itu tidak cukup nyaman untuk diganggu, karena saya hanya bermain untuk bersenang-senang.

Dari usia 24 hingga 33 tahun, saya hampir tidak bermain poker sama sekali, mungkin rata-rata setahun sekali. Itu bukan bagian besar dari hidupku.

Pada Januari 2004, saya dan keluarga saya pindah ke Vegas. Ketersediaan permainan poker di Vegas (dan lonjakan popularitas baru-baru ini) berarti Anda selalu dapat menemukan permainan. Las Vegas Strip hanya berjarak 20 menit berkendara dari rumah saya, dan Pusat Kota Vegas berjarak 15 menit. Ditambah kasino terdekat dengan rumah saya (Stasiun Santa Fe) baru-baru ini menambahkan ruang poker, jadi sekarang permainan hanya berjarak 10 menit.

Ketika saya pertama kali pindah ke sini, saya pikir akan menyenangkan bermain poker lebih sering, karena saya selalu menikmati permainan yang bagus. Saya tidak berniat menjadikannya sebagai karier, tetapi saya juga tidak tertarik untuk kehilangan uang karenanya. Saya pikir jika saya bisa belajar cara menghitung kartu di blackjack, pasti saya bisa menjadi cukup baik di poker untuk secara konsisten mengalahkan permainan batas rendah. Dengan begitu saya bisa bersenang-senang dan memenangkan sedikit uang pada saat yang bersamaan.

Ternyata saya benar.

Berdasarkan rekomendasi dari orang lain, saya mengambil beberapa buku tentang masalah ini. Favorit saya adalah Winning Low-Limit Hold’em oleh Lee Jones. Saya mengikuti rekomendasi Jones dengan cukup dekat, dan mereka bekerja dengan baik.

Saya hanya memainkan batas termurah, seperti permainan menyebar $1-3 dan $2-6 atau permainan terstruktur $2-4. Saya bermain di ruang poker bebas asap rokok, yang untungnya menjadi lebih umum. Secara pribadi saya suka suasana campy/ramah (dan bebas asap rokok) dari ruang poker Excalibur, jadi di situlah saya biasanya bermain. Ini adalah permainan tekanan rendah yang sangat dapat dimenangkan jika Anda setengah layak, terutama pada hari Jumat atau Sabtu malam ketika tempat itu dipenuhi turis yang sebagian besar ada di sana untuk bersenang-senang dan minum-minum gratis. Saya tahu sebagian besar dealer di sana dengan nama, dan semuanya sangat ramah.

Saya tidak keluar untuk berkarier dari ini, dan saya tentu saja tidak menganggap diri saya hiu. Saya hanya menyukai kesenangan dan tantangan permainan. Saya selalu menikmati kompetisi.

Rata-rata saya bermain beberapa kali sebulan, biasanya pada akhir pekan. Saya merekam setiap sesi yang saya mainkan dalam spreadsheet, jadi saya bisa melihat bagaimana saya melakukannya — saya ingin tahu apakah saya menang atau kalah. Tahun lalu saya mendapatkan hasil positif, dengan tingkat kemenangan per sesi sekitar 70% dan tingkat positif per jam sebesar $2,27 (setelah dikurangi tip). Jelas saya tidak akan menjadi kaya dengan bermain dalam batas yang rendah, tetapi bagi saya ini hanya hobi yang menghibur, bukan usaha wirausaha yang serius. Saya hanya bermain secara langsung, bukan online, karena saya suka mengobrol dengan pemain lain dan bertemu orang-orang menarik dari seluruh dunia.

Poker sejauh ini merupakan permainan yang jauh lebih sulit untuk dikuasai daripada blackjack karena keputusan Anda bergantung pada tindakan pemain lain, bukan hanya pada aturan main dan probabilitas yang telah ditentukan sebelumnya. Bermain poker juga membutuhkan lebih banyak kesabaran daripada blackjack menurut saya. Antara poker dan blackjack, saya lebih menikmati poker karena faktor manusia.

Pengamatan Poker

Sedangkan di blackjack sebagian besar pengamatan saya berasal dari menonton pemain lain memainkan tangan mereka, di poker saya telah belajar paling banyak dengan mengamati diri sendiri, sebagian karena sifat permainan (saya tidak bisa melihat setiap keputusan yang dibuat orang lain semampu saya. di blackjack).

Berikut adalah beberapa pengamatan yang saya buat dari bermain poker selama bertahun-tahun:

1. Anda dapat belajar banyak tentang orang lain dengan mempelajari diri sendiri.

Simply by observing myself and watching my own tells, like seeing my hands shake when I looked down and saw pocket aces on the button, I learned to look for those same tells in other players. In low-limit games, virtually anytime you see a player’s hands shaking as they try to place their bet, it means they have a monster hand. I’ve thrown away many solid hands after reading this tell, and so far every single time it was the right decision. By observing my own behavior, I could watch for it in other people.

How does this apply to life itself? If you know how you behave when experiencing certain emotional states, you can watch for that behavior in others to gain information (which can be extremely helpful in certain situations).

For example, if I’m watching someone give a speech, I can observe how I behave when I’m really bored or really interested. Then when I’m the one giving the speech, I can watch for those reactions in the audience. If I see people leaning forward, smiling, and nodding, I know I have a captive audience because that’s what I do when I’m captivated.

If you’re a salesperson, how do you behave when you watch someone else give a good/bad presentation? If you’re a manager, how do you behave when someone tries to delegate something to you and you don’t intend to do it? If you’re married, how do you behave when you aren’t really listening to your spouse?

Observe how your own behaviors reflect various internal states, and then watch for those behaviors in others to gain information. You may be surprised to find that emotional states produce a physiological response that is extremely similar from person to person.

2. You can learn a lot about yourself by studying other people.

This is the reverse of #1. By observing how others behave in poker, and then seeing what kind of hand they have, I can connect their behaviors to information. Then when I see these physiological tells again, I can more easily put that player on a hand.

Many poker players do this. No big whoop.

But how many poker players take what they learn about other players and then apply it to themselves? This means watching for the tells you pick up from other players in yourself, especially when you’re heads-up against the player you saw express those tells. So if you see someone looking away from the table when they have a monster hand, make sure you don’t look away when you’ve got a monster.

You can also take this concept a step further and use it even more proactively. If you see other people behave a certain way when they have a great hand, you may find it beneficial to exert that same behavior on purpose when you’re heads-up against that player and want to bluff him/her out. It’s a sneaky way of using that person’s own physiological response to feed them false information. Just make sure you aren’t too obvious about it, or the other player will catch you. I find it works best as a subconscious signal that alters their intuitive feeling about the hand.

So what’s the life lesson here? The lesson is that this kind of manipulation also works outside the game of poker. By learning someone’s tells, you can consciously exhibit a certain behavior to activate the response you want. Certainly this sounds manipulative, and it is. But by being aware of this tactic, you can reduce your susceptibility to it.

TV commercials use this kind of manipulation all the time. They know all the tells for various emotional states, and they use them to attempt to manipulate your emotional response. This is one reason so many commercials appear logically stupid, but they can still be effective if they include the proper signals that bypass your mind and drive their message into your subconscious.

Think of those drug commercials where they read the side effects (which often sound worse than the symptoms the drug is supposed to treat), but the visual imagery suggests the exact opposite. The characters exhibit the tells of the emotional states the advertiser wants you to associate to their product or service. But those signals often have nothing to do with the product itself. In other words, you aren’t being shown the real emotional states the product will induce in you, but far more pleasurable states that probably won’t occur by using the product at all.

How many beer commercials show drunk people behaving stupidly?

3. Both intellect and intuition can provide input for making correct decisions.

In poker sometimes logic is correct, and other times intuition is correct. Sometimes they agree; sometimes they don’t.

In life, however, you generally have more options than check, bet, call, raise, or fold. Life is more open-ended, and when logic and intuition disagree, sometimes it’s best not to choose sides but to listen to both and seek out a third alternative.

When my logic and intuition seem to disagree, I try to step back and see the situation from other perspectives. In the past I’d usually favor my logic, only to find that my intuition was right. Then I’d slide too far the other way, and pay the price of ignoring my intellect. Now I know that both inputs provide information, but they do so by acting upon imperfect data.

In poker you’re limited in how much data you can gather. But life offers other extra opportunities for peaking at the cards. You can ask for expert advice while you play. You can take in new information to augment the data your logic and intuition are processing. You can wait for clarity before acting. You can even dive in with your best decision, see what the next card looks like, and adjust course afterwards.

4. Don’t be a fish.

“Fish” are bad poker players who are essentially there to give away their money. They don’t bother to develop much skill at the game, so they just play badly. And the longer they play, the more they lose.

Isn’t life the same? If you play badly long enough, eventually you lose. Abuse your health, your relationships, or your finances, and you can kiss them goodbye.

Good players learn the rules of the game and build their skills. They eliminate negative habits that would otherwise bring them down.

5. You can make no mistakes and still lose.

In poker you can expect to take bad beats again and again. Eventually you’ll take one in a heartbreaking situation when someone draws highly improbable runner-runner cards to beat your made hand.

Life is the same. You can play perfectly and still lose.

There’s no security in the cards. The only true security lies in knowing you did your best. Focus on making correct decisions, and let the cards fall as they may.

6. No single hand will kick you out of the game for life.

When you take a bad beat, just take a deep breath and brush it off. It’s in the past, and there’s nothing you can do about it now.

Stay focused on the present. There’s another hand to be played.

7. Do not play J8s UTG no matter how seductive it looks and how certain you are of achieving a multiway pot.

The life lesson here is left as an exercise for the reader. 🙂

If you’re a poker player yourself, I invite you to share your own life lessons from the game by posting a comment.

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